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Pointing Pictures: A Visual Communication Tool

There are lots of ways to communicate.

Talking is one method – but it’s only one way, of many.

If you’ve ever visited a foreign country where you didn’t speak the language, you’ve probably used quite a few different methods to get your point across.

Gestures, a quizzical look, a shrug, pointing to a map, or writing the name of a street...

Without saying a single word, you can convey thoughts and questions, such as “I’m staying at this hotel for 3 nights” or “Can you give me directions to the Van Gough Museum?”

Or perhaps you do know a bit of Dutch, Spanish, Russian, Hindi, or whatever the language may be. Your interaction might become a combination of talking and pointing, “Excuse me, where is [*points to map*]?”

Pointing Pictures by Keri Andrews is a similar tool for people with aphasia. It facilitates communication by supplementing speech and gestures with clear visual aids. It’s beautifully designed, and there are organized sections, including health, maps, calendars, food, places, and more.

Keri has aphasia resulting from a stroke, and she hopes to empower others with aphasia. She was gracious enough to allow me to interview her, and she told me a bit about how Pointing Pictures came to be.



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