Naming & Word Finding
Difficulty thinking of words is present in all types of aphasia.
Naming deficits can range from mild (occasional problems thinking of less common words) to severe (difficulty naming everyday objects).
Talking about an object's physical characteristics (size, shape, color), location, use, action, and common associations can sometimes help facilitate naming.
Compound Words
TARGET: Use these pages to practice word finding, reading, and writing. It's also a great way to practice saying words of increasing syllable length (go slow!) for people with apraxia of speech.

Compound Words - 1
Compound Words - 2
Compound Words - 3
Compound Words - 4
Tips for Helpers!
Grocery List Puzzle
TARGET: Use this page to practice word finding, spelling, and phonics. It also incorporates cognitive elements, such as language-based reasoning and mental flexibility.
Grocery List Puzzle
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